Tuesday, March 5, 2013


The inside scoop on staying engaged and up-to-date with the Psychology major!

The psychology undergraduate newsletter provides a weekly update on the latest course information, upcoming events, and currently available job, internship, and research opportunities relating to your major! Find past issues here. If you would like to start receiving the Psych Scoop directly to your inbox, send a request to: psyadvis@umn.edu.
--1.Are You Graduating Spring 2013? Save the Date to Celebrate!
--2.Office closed Friday, March 8th, 12:00 - 12:30pm
--3.Meeting This Wednesday! TED Talks & Popcorn
--4.Join the Psi Chi/ Psych Club Relay for Life Team!
--5.TODAY: Dr. Robert Krueger Discusses Broad Impacts of the DSM-5
--6.Rethinking the Developmental Impact of Teenage Sexual Behavior
--7.Gene-Environment Interplay in Early Cognitive Development
--8.Summer Research Assistants Wanted--Perception & Virtual Reality
--9.HECUA Info Session: Race, Inequality, Poverty, & Social Justice
--10.Interested in Counseling or Education? Apply to be a CLA Peer Advisor!
--11.Study Abroad in Florence, Italy! Plus--Earn PSY Credit!
--12.Attend a Free Kaplan Strategy Class
--13.Take a Free Practice LSAT - On Site!
1.Are You Graduating Spring 2013? Save the Date to Celebrate!
Psychology majors who have applied for Spring 2013 graduation will soon be receiving an email invitation to the 2012 Psychology Undergraduate Celebration. This annual psychology undergraduate event recognizes award recipients and graduating seniors in front of peers, staff, faculty, and family for all of their accomplishments! The event will be held on campus Friday, May 10, 2013 from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. Please mark your calendars now and keep an eye out for your email invitation which will be sent following Spring Break. Visit our Facebook page to view pictures of last year's celebration.

2.Office closed Friday, March 8th, 12:00 - 12:30pm
Psychology Undergraduate Advising's front desk will be briefly unstaffed this Friday, March 8th from 12:00 - 12:30pm. If you have questions during this time, please email psyadvis@umn.edu.

PLEASE NOTE: All students interested in Psychology are welcome to participate in Psi Chi/ Psychology Student Association activities. No previous participation or membership is required. If you're interested, please attend!
3.Meeting This Wednesday! TED Talks & Popcorn
Sit back and reach for some popcorn at the next meeting of Psi Chi/Psych Club at 4:30pm on Wednesday, March 6 in Elliot N119--we'll be showing a few of the best psychology TED talks and have popcorn to share! As always, everyone is welcome.

4.Join the Psi Chi/ Psych Club Relay for Life Team!
Help Psi Chi/Psych Club raise money for cancer research by joining the Relay for Life team. Go to this link www.uofmrelayforlife.com and click "Join a Team," then search for Psi Chi/ Psychology Club.

5.TODAY: Dr. Robert Krueger Discusses Broad Impacts of the DSM-5
Tuesday, March 5th at 4:30pm
6-135 Jackson Hall
Psychology professor Dr. Robert Krueger will lead a session of broad impacts on the science behind the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). The DSM provides criteria for classifying mental disorders and is relied upon by clinicians, researchers, insurance and pharmaceutical companies, and policy makers. The fifth edition of the DSM, DSM-5, is slated to be published in May 2013. This talk will focus on how DSM-5 is (and is not) connected with data, and how working to enhance the connection between DSM and science is the best course of action in the long run.

6.Rethinking the Developmental Impact of Teenage Sexual Behavior
Monday, March 11th; 1:15 - 2:15pm
N639 Elliott Hall
Dr. K. Paige Harden of University of Texas at Austin presents her work in the department's Colloquium in Personality, Individual Differences, & Behavior Genetics. In "Rethinking the Developmental Impact of Teenage Sexual Behavior," Dr. Harden reviews quantitative genetic and candidate gene association studies of individual differences in adolescent sexual behavior. She describes a series of her recent behavioral genetic studies of the links between teenage sexual activity and delinquency, depression, and adult relationship satisfaction, highlighting how sex occurring in the context of a romantic dating relationship may have different implications for adolescent well-being than "casual" sex, and instances in which early versus late sexual intercourse is not uniformly associated with worse developmental outcomes.

7.Gene-Environment Interplay in Early Cognitive Development
Monday, March 11th; 2:30 - 3:30pm
N639 Elliott Hall
Dr. Elliot M. Tucker-Drob of University of Texas at Austin will be presenting "Gene-Environment Interplay in Early Cognitive Development" in the department's Colloquium in Personality, Individual Differences, & Behavior Genetics. In this talk, Dr. Tucker-Drob provides an overview of his analyses of data from a population-representative cohort of American twins followed from infancy to kindergarten entry. Results indicate dynamic and interactive relations between individual characteristics and early-life environmental contexts, ranging from parenting, to socioeconomic position, to experience in center-based childcare settings. He discusses potential mechanisms underlying these effects, focusing particularly on transactional processes, whereby individuals in high opportunity contexts evoke and actively select positive learning experiences on the basis of their genetic predispositions, and these learning experiences, in turn, reciprocally influence cognition. Finally, he discusses the implications of individual differences in early cognition for later development, and present results of a recent meta-analysis of the longitudinal stability of genetic and environmental influences on cognition across the lifespan.

8.Summer Research Assistants Wanted--Perception & Virtual Reality
The Engel lab is looking for assistance on a project using virtual reality to measure how changeable perception is. If you are interested in perceptual or cognitive research, and want to get some lab experience for PSY credit (or as a volunteer), send an email and unofficial transcript to engel@umn.edu. A course in psych methods is required and one in cognition, perception, or biological psychology is a plus. The lab is looking for students who can give a minimum of 6 hours/week of time commitment from the end of May through the beginning of August.

9.HECUA Info Session: Race, Inequality, Poverty, & Social Justice
Friday, March 8; 1:00 - 2:30pm
Bordertown Coffee House (315 16th Ave SE)
HECUA, the Higher Education Consortium for Urban Affairs, is a non-profit organization based in St. Paul, MN, partnered with the Community Service Learning Center, that offers unique experiential education programs both domestically and abroad. These programs focus on issues affecting our local and global communities. HECUA programs are interdisciplinary and open to students from any college, major, minor, etc. There are no prerequisites and students can participate anytime after you've completed 20 credits. Come to an info session, featuring alumni of each program, to learn more about HECUA's dynamic off-campus study programs focused on race, inequality, poverty, and other social justice topics! Coffee, tea, and treats will be served! Visit here for information on all of HECUA's programs. General HECUA inquiries can be sent to hecuaUSA@umn.edu.

IMPORTANT: Organizations listed below are not necessarily affiliated with or endorsed by the Department of Psychology or Psychology Undergraduate Advising. Please exercise the same discretion you would in viewing any other source.
10.Interested in Counseling or Education? Apply to be a CLA Peer Advisor!
CLA Student Services is hiring three peer advisors, positions beginning this summer. The primary duties of peer advisors are assisting students with advising decisions, serving as a liaison between students and university programs and services, and assisting in the provision of academic support services including referrals to other academic units and/or sources of academic learning such as tutors or career guidance professionals. To read more details and apply, visit here. Preference will be given to applications received on or before March 29, 2013.

11.Study Abroad in Florence, Italy! Plus--Earn PSY Credit!
Spend fall semester exploring the Renaissance city of Florence while earning psychology credits (in English!) towards your major. Delve deeper into the Italian culture by also studying subjects like art history, sociology, photography, Italian language, economics, drawing, literature, retail merchandising, and more. A week long study tour to Sicily, site visits around Florence, and local expert lecturers highlight course content. Volunteer and internship opportunities are available for students at all language levels.
Application deadline is April 1st! For more information please contact Jessica Hartnett at hart0581@umn.edu or visit the Study Abroad in Florence website.

12.Attend a Free Kaplan Strategy Class
Attend a free Kaplan strategy class for the GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, DAT, OAT, or PCAT! Join for a free Kaplan test prep class. See Kaplan's instructors in action and learn proven, effective strategies to help you ace the exam. This is a great way to jump start your prep and begin building the foundation to get an awesome score on Test Day! Free sample strategy classes are offered March 18 - April 7th via Classroom Anywhere (which is live and online!). Register at bit.ly/umntuff13.

13.Take a Free Practice LSAT - On Site!
Saturday, March 9th; 9:30am
University of St. Thomas, McNeely Hall, Room 111
Register at http://bit.ly/mnlsatevents2013 (case sensitive)
Sponsored by the Pre-Law Society at the University of St. Thomas
Kaplan Test Prep is offering students the chance to take a practice LSAT, on site and completely free! Test your skills with this free practice test and see how you would score on test day. Participants will receive a detailed analysis of their performance on the exam, including individual strengths and weaknesses on every question type. Stick around after the exam to learn some test-taking strategies from Kaplan's LSAT and Law School expert and practicing attorney, Josh Newville. The exam is set to begin at 9:30am, so please plan to arrive 15 - 30 minutes early to give yourself time to settle in. This is a great opportunity to experience the LSAT in its true paper/pencil form.

The inside scoop on staying engaged and up-to-date with the Psychology major!
The psychology undergraduate newsletter provides a weekly update on the latest course information, upcoming events, and currently available job, internship, and research opportunities relating to your major! Find past issues here. If you would like to start receiving the Psych Scoop directly to your inbox, send a request to: psyadvis@umn.edu.
--1.Are You Graduating Spring 2013? Save the Date to Celebrate!
--2.Office closed Friday, March 8th, 12:00 - 12:30pm
--3.Meeting This Wednesday! TED Talks & Popcorn
--4.Join the Psi Chi/ Psych Club Relay for Life Team!
--5.TODAY: Dr. Robert Krueger Discusses Broad Impacts of the DSM-5
--6.Rethinking the Developmental Impact of Teenage Sexual Behavior
--7.Gene-Environment Interplay in Early Cognitive Development
--8.Summer Research Assistants Wanted--Perception & Virtual Reality
--9.HECUA Info Session: Race, Inequality, Poverty, & Social Justice
--10.Interested in Counseling or Education? Apply to be a CLA Peer Advisor!
--11.Study Abroad in Florence, Italy! Plus--Earn PSY Credit!
--12.Attend a Free Kaplan Strategy Class
--13.Take a Free Practice LSAT - On Site!
1.Are You Graduating Spring 2013? Save the Date to Celebrate!
Psychology majors who have applied for Spring 2013 graduation will soon be receiving an email invitation to the 2012 Psychology Undergraduate Celebration. This annual psychology undergraduate event recognizes award recipients and graduating seniors in front of peers, staff, faculty, and family for all of their accomplishments! The event will be held on campus Friday, May 10, 2013 from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. Please mark your calendars now and keep an eye out for your email invitation which will be sent following Spring Break. Visit our Facebook page to view pictures of last year's celebration.
2.Office closed Friday, March 8th, 12:00 - 12:30pm
Psychology Undergraduate Advising's front desk will be briefly unstaffed this Friday, March 8th from 12:00 - 12:30pm. If you have questions during this time, please email psyadvis@umn.edu.
PLEASE NOTE: All students interested in Psychology are welcome to participate in Psi Chi/ Psychology Student Association activities. No previous participation or membership is required. If you're interested, please attend!
3.Meeting This Wednesday! TED Talks & Popcorn
Sit back and reach for some popcorn at the next meeting of Psi Chi/Psych Club at 4:30pm on Wednesday, March 6 in Elliot N119--we'll be showing a few of the best psychology TED talks and have popcorn to share! As always, everyone is welcome.
4.Join the Psi Chi/ Psych Club Relay for Life Team!
Help Psi Chi/Psych Club raise money for cancer research by joining the Relay for Life team. Go to this link www.uofmrelayforlife.com and click "Join a Team," then search for Psi Chi/ Psychology Club.
5.TODAY: Dr. Robert Krueger Discusses Broad Impacts of the DSM-5
Tuesday, March 5th at 4:30pm
6-135 Jackson Hall
Psychology professor Dr. Robert Krueger will lead a session of broad impacts on the science behind the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). The DSM provides criteria for classifying mental disorders and is relied upon by clinicians, researchers, insurance and pharmaceutical companies, and policy makers. The fifth edition of the DSM, DSM-5, is slated to be published in May 2013. This talk will focus on how DSM-5 is (and is not) connected with data, and how working to enhance the connection between DSM and science is the best course of action in the long run.
6.Rethinking the Developmental Impact of Teenage Sexual Behavior
Monday, March 11th; 1:15 - 2:15pm
N639 Elliott Hall
Dr. K. Paige Harden of University of Texas at Austin presents her work in the department's Colloquium in Personality, Individual Differences, & Behavior Genetics. In "Rethinking the Developmental Impact of Teenage Sexual Behavior," Dr. Harden reviews quantitative genetic and candidate gene association studies of individual differences in adolescent sexual behavior. She describes a series of her recent behavioral genetic studies of the links between teenage sexual activity and delinquency, depression, and adult relationship satisfaction, highlighting how sex occurring in the context of a romantic dating relationship may have different implications for adolescent well-being than "casual" sex, and instances in which early versus late sexual intercourse is not uniformly associated with worse developmental outcomes.
7.Gene-Environment Interplay in Early Cognitive Development
Monday, March 11th; 2:30 - 3:30pm
N639 Elliott Hall
Dr. Elliot M. Tucker-Drob of University of Texas at Austin will be presenting "Gene-Environment Interplay in Early Cognitive Development" in the department's Colloquium in Personality, Individual Differences, & Behavior Genetics. In this talk, Dr. Tucker-Drob provides an overview of his analyses of data from a population-representative cohort of American twins followed from infancy to kindergarten entry. Results indicate dynamic and interactive relations between individual characteristics and early-life environmental contexts, ranging from parenting, to socioeconomic position, to experience in center-based childcare settings. He discusses potential mechanisms underlying these effects, focusing particularly on transactional processes, whereby individuals in high opportunity contexts evoke and actively select positive learning experiences on the basis of their genetic predispositions, and these learning experiences, in turn, reciprocally influence cognition. Finally, he discusses the implications of individual differences in early cognition for later development, and present results of a recent meta-analysis of the longitudinal stability of genetic and environmental influences on cognition across the lifespan.
8.Summer Research Assistants Wanted--Perception & Virtual Reality
The Engel lab is looking for assistance on a project using virtual reality to measure how changeable perception is. If you are interested in perceptual or cognitive research, and want to get some lab experience for PSY credit (or as a volunteer), send an email and unofficial transcript to engel@umn.edu. A course in psych methods is required and one in cognition, perception, or biological psychology is a plus. The lab is looking for students who can give a minimum of 6 hours/week of time commitment from the end of May through the beginning of August.
9.HECUA Info Session: Race, Inequality, Poverty, & Social Justice
Friday, March 8; 1:00 - 2:30pm
Bordertown Coffee House (315 16th Ave SE)
HECUA, the Higher Education Consortium for Urban Affairs, is a non-profit organization based in St. Paul, MN, partnered with the Community Service Learning Center, that offers unique experiential education programs both domestically and abroad. These programs focus on issues affecting our local and global communities. HECUA programs are interdisciplinary and open to students from any college, major, minor, etc. There are no prerequisites and students can participate anytime after you've completed 20 credits. Come to an info session, featuring alumni of each program, to learn more about HECUA's dynamic off-campus study programs focused on race, inequality, poverty, and other social justice topics! Coffee, tea, and treats will be served! Visit here for information on all of HECUA's programs. General HECUA inquiries can be sent to hecuaUSA@umn.edu.
IMPORTANT: Organizations listed below are not necessarily affiliated with or endorsed by the Department of Psychology or Psychology Undergraduate Advising. Please exercise the same discretion you would in viewing any other source.
10.Interested in Counseling or Education? Apply to be a CLA Peer Advisor!
CLA Student Services is hiring three peer advisors, positions beginning this summer. The primary duties of peer advisors are assisting students with advising decisions, serving as a liaison between students and university programs and services, and assisting in the provision of academic support services including referrals to other academic units and/or sources of academic learning such as tutors or career guidance professionals. To read more details and apply, visit here. Preference will be given to applications received on or before March 29, 2013.
11.Study Abroad in Florence, Italy! Plus--Earn PSY Credit!
Spend fall semester exploring the Renaissance city of Florence while earning psychology credits (in English!) towards your major. Delve deeper into the Italian culture by also studying subjects like art history, sociology, photography, Italian language, economics, drawing, literature, retail merchandising, and more. A week long study tour to Sicily, site visits around Florence, and local expert lecturers highlight course content. Volunteer and internship opportunities are available for students at all language levels.
Application deadline is April 1st! For more information please contact Jessica Hartnett at hart0581@umn.edu or visit the Study Abroad in Florence website.
12.Attend a Free Kaplan Strategy Class
Attend a free Kaplan strategy class for the GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, DAT, OAT, or PCAT! Join for a free Kaplan test prep class. See Kaplan's instructors in action and learn proven, effective strategies to help you ace the exam. This is a great way to jump start your prep and begin building the foundation to get an awesome score on Test Day! Free sample strategy classes are offered March 18 - April 7th via Classroom Anywhere (which is live and online!). Register at bit.ly/umntuff13.
13.Take a Free Practice LSAT - On Site!
Saturday, March 9th; 9:30am
University of St. Thomas, McNeely Hall, Room 111
Register at http://bit.ly/mnlsatevents2013 (case sensitive)
Sponsored by the Pre-Law Society at the University of St. Thomas
Kaplan Test Prep is offering students the chance to take a practice LSAT, on site and completely free! Test your skills with this free practice test and see how you would score on test day. Participants will receive a detailed analysis of their performance on the exam, including individual strengths and weaknesses on every question type. Stick around after the exam to learn some test-taking strategies from Kaplan's LSAT and Law School expert and practicing attorney, Josh Newville. The exam is set to begin at 9:30am, so please plan to arrive 15 - 30 minutes early to give yourself time to settle in. This is a great opportunity to experience the LSAT in its true paper/pencil form.

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