The inside scoop on staying engaged and up-to-date with the Psychology major!
The psychology undergraduate newsletter provides a weekly update on the latest course information, upcoming events, and currently available job, internship, and research opportunities relating to your major! Find past issues here. If you would like to start receiving the Psych Scoop directly to your inbox, send a request to:
--1.Participate on Psi Chi/Psych Club's Relay for Life Team THIS Friday!
--2.Gain Valuable Experience & Skills as a Psi Chi/Psych Club Officer!
--3.Next Psi Chi/Psych Club Meeting Wednesday 4/10
--4.Join the NEW Psychology International Student Association
--5.Active Minds Meeting TONIGHT! Featuring The Aurora Center
--6.Film & Discussion on Bullying & Mental Health in MN Schools
--7.Cirque De-Stress - Balancing Life, Juggling Responsibilities
--8.Colloquium in Social Psych--Social Identity Threats & Intergroup Disparities
--9.Talk by Founder of the Non-Profit 'To Write Love On Her Arms'
--10.Deadline Extended! PHIL 4326: Lives Worth Living
--11.Have an Abroad Experience Without Leaving the Twin Cities!
--12.RA Needed for Psychopathology Research at VA Medical Center
--13.Gain Counseling-Related Experience & More through Tubman
--14.Full-Time & Part-Time Summer Tutors Needed!
--15.Gain Experience Working with Autism--Full-Time & Part-Time Openings
--16.Work With Youth This Summer! TRiO Upward Bound is Hiring
PLEASE NOTE: All students interested in Psychology are welcome to participate in Psi Chi/ Psychology Student Association activities. No previous participation or membership is required. If you're interested, please attend!
1.Participate on Psi Chi/Psych Club's Relay for Life Team THIS Friday!
Help Psi Chi/Psych Club raise money for cancer research by joining the Relay for Life team. Go to this link and click "Join a Team," then search for Psi Chi/ Psychology Club. Relay for Life will be held this Friday, April 5th--please plan to attend!
2.Gain Valuable Experience & Skills as a Psi Chi/Psych Club Officer!
Interested in being an officer in Psi Chi or Psych Club? There are currently two officer spots (Public Relations Chair and Advertisement/Recruitment Chair) that need to be filled, and we are looking for enthusiastic students to join our team. You do not necessarily need to be a member of Psi Chi in order to be eligible (although some positions do require membership) and we think you will find the experience to be fun and rewarding in addition to looking good on resumes and graduate school applications. This can be a great way to gain skills relating to leadership, communications, event planning, marketing/PR, accounting, higher education, and networking in the field of psychology. If you are interested, come talk to the Psi Chi officers at one of our biweekly meetings or send us an email at
3.Next Psi Chi/Psych Club Meeting Wednesday 4/10
The next meeting will take place in Elliott N119 on Wednesday, April 10 at 4:30pm--topic is to be determined! Please add it to your calendars and check back next week for additional details.
4.Join the NEW Psychology International Student Association
A new and exciting student group is emerging in the Department of Psychology! This group is a subset of the Psychology Club and Psi Chi. This is a group specifically intended for international students majoring or minoring in psychology, which distinguishes itself apart from the University of Minnesota's International Student group. If you are interested in learning more about this group, please send an email to Becky Mooney, Psychology Advisor, at
5.Active Minds Meeting TONIGHT! Featuring The Aurora Center
Tuesday, April 2nd; 7:30pm
Coffman Memorial Union, Room 203
Active Minds is a student-run mental health advocacy group devoted to educating students about the prevention of mental health issues and reducing the stigma of mental illness. The next meeting will feature The Aurora Center who will present on a topic called "Step Up!"
6.Film & Discussion on Bullying & Mental Health in MN Schools
Wednesday, April 3rd; 5:45pm
Mayo Memorial Auditorium
MPR reporter Tom Weber will moderate a panel discussion on bullying and mental health in Minnesota public schools, which follows the 5:45 p.m. screening of Minnesota Nice?, a documentary by student filmmaker Alec Fischer. The event is part of the National Public Health Week Film Festival. For more information, see bullying.
7.Cirque De-Stress - Balancing Life, Juggling Responsibilities
Wednesday, April 3rd; Hourly from 10:00am - 4:00pm
Coffman Memorial Union (Great Hall)
Stressed out? Take a break and see the biggest show on campus! You will flip to see aerialists, high-wire walkers, clowns, jugglers, belly dancers, stilt walkers, and more! Plus: Look for juggling and balancing exercises and stress management and mental health resources. The event is FREE! For more information, check here.
8.Colloquium in Social Psych--Social Identity Threats & Intergroup Disparities
Friday, April 19; 2:30 - 3:30pm
Elliott Hall, Room N639
Dr. Geoffrey Cohen from the Department of Psychology Stanford University with be presenting "Wise Intervention: A Social Identity Threat Approach to Understanding and Reducing Intergroup Disparities." The Department of Psychology welcomes you to come! The abstract for the talk is following: Persistent threats to people's social or group identity--such as negative stereotypes targeted at their group--can contribute to intergroup disparities, for example in education and health. The manifestations of this process in laboratory and real-world educational settings will be explored. A general model of how social identity threat unfolds over long periods of time will be presented. Based on this model, several randomized field experiments will demonstrate that highly leveraged psychological interventions ("wise" interventions) can reduce intergroup disparities and yield lasting benefits, particularly for educational outcomes. Finally the talk will explore how and when the effects of social-psychological interventions propagate over time.
9.Talk by Founder of the Non-Profit 'To Write Love On Her Arms'
Friday, April 12th; 7:30pm
Coffman Memorial Union (Great Hall)
To Write Love on Her Arms (TWLOHA) is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery. Jamie Tworkowski, the founder of TWLOHA, will be coming to campus to speak about the organization he started. More information can be found here.
10.Deadline Extended! PHIL 4326: Lives Worth Living
Attend 'Philosophy Camp' this summer, May 28th - June 21st! During this 6 credit experience, participants gain a fresh perspective on questions of self, vocation, and community while enjoying simple living on the prairie of southwestern Minnesota. Students and instructors form a community for living and learning to investigate their own and others responses to questions such as these: What is an authentic self? Who am I? What is vocation? What is my work in the world? What kind of community do I want to have around me? What do I bring to my relationships and community? What makes communities resilient, able to flourish through change and conflict? Students and instructors also meet local residents to learn how they are living the answers to life's important questions and creating lives worth living. Visit here for information on this course including application process, cost and financial aid/scholarship info. Interested students should contact the Philosophy Camp Student Adviser in the Community Service-Learning Center by April 15th (, 612-626-2044).
11.Have an Abroad Experience Without Leaving the Twin Cities!
What can a neighborhood teach us about leadership and social change? Global Leadership for Social Change- A Cedar Riverside Immersion is a 3 credit May session course that parallels the immersion experience of study abroad, and could be usable toward your Psychology major requirements! Using concepts of leadership and community engagement as a focus, Global Leadership for Social Change will give students an opportunity to identify the international and diverse quality of neighborhoods connected to us right here on the West Bank. With the course being based in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, you will be given a greater opportunity to explore the neighborhood's historic commercial, theatrical and residential diversity. You will be learning and working in the Cedar-Riverside community and examining questions of leadership, power, cultural diversity, and social change. The course involves an exciting blend of community engagement, neighborhood excursions, readings, and lively discussions. The course also includes a neighborhood theater performance and meals at local restaurants. Visit here for additional details. If you would like more information as to how this may be used toward Psychology major requirements, contact with your student ID number included.
12.RA Needed for Psychopathology Research at VA Medical Center
Participate in cutting-edge clinical research in the Research Division of the Minneapolis VA Health Care System by serving as a research assistant in the laboratory of Professor Scott Sponheim, PhD. The Minneapolis VA is easily accessible by light rail from the U of M campus. The successful candidate will be a current Junior or Senior pursuing a psychology major, have a GPA of 3.0 or high, and be flexible in hours (evenings/weekends). An interest in graduate school in psychology is a plus. Duties include: 5-10 hours per week in the laboratory, recruiting and scheduling participants, preparing clinical interview materials, attending weekly lab meetings, and data entry. Opportunities are available to conduct your own research project. This may be done as a volunteer or for PSY 4993 research credit. Please submit a resume or CV, transcripts, and references to Nicolaas VanMeerten,
IMPORTANT: Organizations listed below are not necessarily affiliated with or endorsed by the Department of Psychology or Psychology Undergraduate Advising. Please exercise the same discretion you would in viewing any other source.
13.Gain Counseling-Related Experience & More through Tubman
Gain experience working with individuals & families thru internship and volunteer opportunities at Tubman! Summer and Fall internships and volunteer opportunities. Community Advocate: Provide supportive counseling, resources and referrals to individuals who call or walk into Tubman sites. Positions available in Maplewood and Minneapolis. Youth Advocate: Work with and advocate for youth who have experienced family violence. Promote family healing through creation of a fun environment, provision of family activities, and respite childcare. Youth & Young Adult Assistant (YAYA): Work with individuals between the ages of 13-24 who have experienced partner violence, sexual assault, or stalking. Help them access resources and write and attain goals. Must have previous direct client work experience. Financial Workshop Facilitator: Lead financial literacy/budgeting workshops for women living in Tubman shelters or Transitional Housing. Training provided for all positions--summer training begins May 18th. Contact Joanie at or Katie at Visit the website for more info.
14.Full-Time & Part-Time Summer Tutors Needed!
Lindamood-Bell is an organization dedicated to enhancing human learning through providing intensive instruction in the underlying skills needed for proficiency in reading, spelling, comprehension, critical thinking, and math. The instruction helps a wide range of individuals, pre-kindergarten through adult, by developing language processing that is critical to becoming a proficient learner in any subject. Lindamood-Bell is seeking energetic and friendly Tutors for the Twin Cities Learning Center! Seasonal summer positions are available, running approximately 5/13/13 - 9/01/13 with FT and PT hours. $13.00/hr. Visit this website for more information. Send resumes to or fax to (952) 835-2790, Attn: Clinician Position.
15.Gain Experience Working with Autism--Full-Time & Part-Time Openings
Alternatives for People with Autism, Inc. is a non-profit, community-based group home providing progressive residential services for adults affected by autism who function in moderate to profound ranges of developmental disability. Part- and full-time direct care staff are currently needed to work at the Brooklyn Park location. Direct-care staff assist residents in domestic tasks, personal hygiene & grooming, community integration, leisure & recreation, adaptive communication, and behavior management/modification. All applicants for part-time positions must have at least 44 college credits complete, and applicants for full-time positions must have a completed degree in a related field by the close of the current academic semester. All applicants must be able to work the following shifts: AMs (6am-9am), PMs (2pm-10pm), Overnights (11pm-7am), and every other weekend. To learn more about the position and set up an application appointment, call Human Resources Coordinator Gael Palkki at 763-560-2988, or send email inquiry to
16.Work With Youth This Summer! TRiO Upward Bound is Hiring
Want an amazing job working with youth? TRiO Upward Bound at the University of Minnesota is the longest standing college preparation program in the Twin Cities. Each summer, TRiO coordinates an academic and residential summer program for high school-aged participants. If you're interested in working in a fast-paced environment with the opportunity to impact some amazing Minneapolis youth - this is the job for you. TRiO is now accepting applications for various positions including: Teacher, Teaching Assistant, Administrative Assistant, and Residential Youth Counselor. Apply via the University's employment system by April 19th.
The inside scoop on staying engaged and up-to-date with the Psychology major!
The psychology undergraduate newsletter provides a weekly update on the latest course information, upcoming events, and currently available job, internship, and research opportunities relating to your major! Find past issues here. If you would like to start receiving the Psych Scoop directly to your inbox, send a request to:
--1.Participate on Psi Chi/Psych Club's Relay for Life Team THIS Friday!
--2.Gain Valuable Experience & Skills as a Psi Chi/Psych Club Officer!
--3.Next Psi Chi/Psych Club Meeting Wednesday 4/10
--4.Join the NEW Psychology International Student Association
--5.Active Minds Meeting TONIGHT! Featuring The Aurora Center
--6.Film & Discussion on Bullying & Mental Health in MN Schools
--7.Cirque De-Stress - Balancing Life, Juggling Responsibilities
--8.Colloquium in Social Psych--Social Identity Threats & Intergroup Disparities
--9.Talk by Founder of the Non-Profit 'To Write Love On Her Arms'
--10.Deadline Extended! PHIL 4326: Lives Worth Living
--11.Have an Abroad Experience Without Leaving the Twin Cities!
--12.RA Needed for Psychopathology Research at VA Medical Center
--13.Gain Counseling-Related Experience & More through Tubman
--14.Full-Time & Part-Time Summer Tutors Needed!
--15.Gain Experience Working with Autism--Full-Time & Part-Time Openings
--16.Work With Youth This Summer! TRiO Upward Bound is Hiring
PLEASE NOTE: All students interested in Psychology are welcome to participate in Psi Chi/ Psychology Student Association activities. No previous participation or membership is required. If you're interested, please attend!
1.Participate on Psi Chi/Psych Club's Relay for Life Team THIS Friday!
Help Psi Chi/Psych Club raise money for cancer research by joining the Relay for Life team. Go to this link and click "Join a Team," then search for Psi Chi/ Psychology Club. Relay for Life will be held this Friday, April 5th--please plan to attend!
2.Gain Valuable Experience & Skills as a Psi Chi/Psych Club Officer!
Interested in being an officer in Psi Chi or Psych Club? There are currently two officer spots (Public Relations Chair and Advertisement/Recruitment Chair) that need to be filled, and we are looking for enthusiastic students to join our team. You do not necessarily need to be a member of Psi Chi in order to be eligible (although some positions do require membership) and we think you will find the experience to be fun and rewarding in addition to looking good on resumes and graduate school applications. This can be a great way to gain skills relating to leadership, communications, event planning, marketing/PR, accounting, higher education, and networking in the field of psychology. If you are interested, come talk to the Psi Chi officers at one of our biweekly meetings or send us an email at
3.Next Psi Chi/Psych Club Meeting Wednesday 4/10
The next meeting will take place in Elliott N119 on Wednesday, April 10 at 4:30pm--topic is to be determined! Please add it to your calendars and check back next week for additional details.
4.Join the NEW Psychology International Student Association
A new and exciting student group is emerging in the Department of Psychology! This group is a subset of the Psychology Club and Psi Chi. This is a group specifically intended for international students majoring or minoring in psychology, which distinguishes itself apart from the University of Minnesota's International Student group. If you are interested in learning more about this group, please send an email to Becky Mooney, Psychology Advisor, at
5.Active Minds Meeting TONIGHT! Featuring The Aurora Center
Tuesday, April 2nd; 7:30pm
Coffman Memorial Union, Room 203
Active Minds is a student-run mental health advocacy group devoted to educating students about the prevention of mental health issues and reducing the stigma of mental illness. The next meeting will feature The Aurora Center who will present on a topic called "Step Up!"
6.Film & Discussion on Bullying & Mental Health in MN Schools
Wednesday, April 3rd; 5:45pm
Mayo Memorial Auditorium
MPR reporter Tom Weber will moderate a panel discussion on bullying and mental health in Minnesota public schools, which follows the 5:45 p.m. screening of Minnesota Nice?, a documentary by student filmmaker Alec Fischer. The event is part of the National Public Health Week Film Festival. For more information, see bullying.
7.Cirque De-Stress - Balancing Life, Juggling Responsibilities
Wednesday, April 3rd; Hourly from 10:00am - 4:00pm
Coffman Memorial Union (Great Hall)
Stressed out? Take a break and see the biggest show on campus! You will flip to see aerialists, high-wire walkers, clowns, jugglers, belly dancers, stilt walkers, and more! Plus: Look for juggling and balancing exercises and stress management and mental health resources. The event is FREE! For more information, check here.
8.Colloquium in Social Psych--Social Identity Threats & Intergroup Disparities
Friday, April 19; 2:30 - 3:30pm
Elliott Hall, Room N639
Dr. Geoffrey Cohen from the Department of Psychology Stanford University with be presenting "Wise Intervention: A Social Identity Threat Approach to Understanding and Reducing Intergroup Disparities." The Department of Psychology welcomes you to come! The abstract for the talk is following: Persistent threats to people's social or group identity--such as negative stereotypes targeted at their group--can contribute to intergroup disparities, for example in education and health. The manifestations of this process in laboratory and real-world educational settings will be explored. A general model of how social identity threat unfolds over long periods of time will be presented. Based on this model, several randomized field experiments will demonstrate that highly leveraged psychological interventions ("wise" interventions) can reduce intergroup disparities and yield lasting benefits, particularly for educational outcomes. Finally the talk will explore how and when the effects of social-psychological interventions propagate over time.
9.Talk by Founder of the Non-Profit 'To Write Love On Her Arms'
Friday, April 12th; 7:30pm
Coffman Memorial Union (Great Hall)
To Write Love on Her Arms (TWLOHA) is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery. Jamie Tworkowski, the founder of TWLOHA, will be coming to campus to speak about the organization he started. More information can be found here.
10.Deadline Extended! PHIL 4326: Lives Worth Living
Attend 'Philosophy Camp' this summer, May 28th - June 21st! During this 6 credit experience, participants gain a fresh perspective on questions of self, vocation, and community while enjoying simple living on the prairie of southwestern Minnesota. Students and instructors form a community for living and learning to investigate their own and others responses to questions such as these: What is an authentic self? Who am I? What is vocation? What is my work in the world? What kind of community do I want to have around me? What do I bring to my relationships and community? What makes communities resilient, able to flourish through change and conflict? Students and instructors also meet local residents to learn how they are living the answers to life's important questions and creating lives worth living. Visit here for information on this course including application process, cost and financial aid/scholarship info. Interested students should contact the Philosophy Camp Student Adviser in the Community Service-Learning Center by April 15th (, 612-626-2044).
11.Have an Abroad Experience Without Leaving the Twin Cities!
What can a neighborhood teach us about leadership and social change? Global Leadership for Social Change- A Cedar Riverside Immersion is a 3 credit May session course that parallels the immersion experience of study abroad, and could be usable toward your Psychology major requirements! Using concepts of leadership and community engagement as a focus, Global Leadership for Social Change will give students an opportunity to identify the international and diverse quality of neighborhoods connected to us right here on the West Bank. With the course being based in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, you will be given a greater opportunity to explore the neighborhood's historic commercial, theatrical and residential diversity. You will be learning and working in the Cedar-Riverside community and examining questions of leadership, power, cultural diversity, and social change. The course involves an exciting blend of community engagement, neighborhood excursions, readings, and lively discussions. The course also includes a neighborhood theater performance and meals at local restaurants. Visit here for additional details. If you would like more information as to how this may be used toward Psychology major requirements, contact with your student ID number included.
12.RA Needed for Psychopathology Research at VA Medical Center
Participate in cutting-edge clinical research in the Research Division of the Minneapolis VA Health Care System by serving as a research assistant in the laboratory of Professor Scott Sponheim, PhD. The Minneapolis VA is easily accessible by light rail from the U of M campus. The successful candidate will be a current Junior or Senior pursuing a psychology major, have a GPA of 3.0 or high, and be flexible in hours (evenings/weekends). An interest in graduate school in psychology is a plus. Duties include: 5-10 hours per week in the laboratory, recruiting and scheduling participants, preparing clinical interview materials, attending weekly lab meetings, and data entry. Opportunities are available to conduct your own research project. This may be done as a volunteer or for PSY 4993 research credit. Please submit a resume or CV, transcripts, and references to Nicolaas VanMeerten,
IMPORTANT: Organizations listed below are not necessarily affiliated with or endorsed by the Department of Psychology or Psychology Undergraduate Advising. Please exercise the same discretion you would in viewing any other source.
13.Gain Counseling-Related Experience & More through Tubman
Gain experience working with individuals & families thru internship and volunteer opportunities at Tubman! Summer and Fall internships and volunteer opportunities. Community Advocate: Provide supportive counseling, resources and referrals to individuals who call or walk into Tubman sites. Positions available in Maplewood and Minneapolis. Youth Advocate: Work with and advocate for youth who have experienced family violence. Promote family healing through creation of a fun environment, provision of family activities, and respite childcare. Youth & Young Adult Assistant (YAYA): Work with individuals between the ages of 13-24 who have experienced partner violence, sexual assault, or stalking. Help them access resources and write and attain goals. Must have previous direct client work experience. Financial Workshop Facilitator: Lead financial literacy/budgeting workshops for women living in Tubman shelters or Transitional Housing. Training provided for all positions--summer training begins May 18th. Contact Joanie at or Katie at Visit the website for more info.
14.Full-Time & Part-Time Summer Tutors Needed!
Lindamood-Bell is an organization dedicated to enhancing human learning through providing intensive instruction in the underlying skills needed for proficiency in reading, spelling, comprehension, critical thinking, and math. The instruction helps a wide range of individuals, pre-kindergarten through adult, by developing language processing that is critical to becoming a proficient learner in any subject. Lindamood-Bell is seeking energetic and friendly Tutors for the Twin Cities Learning Center! Seasonal summer positions are available, running approximately 5/13/13 - 9/01/13 with FT and PT hours. $13.00/hr. Visit this website for more information. Send resumes to or fax to (952) 835-2790, Attn: Clinician Position.
15.Gain Experience Working with Autism--Full-Time & Part-Time Openings
Alternatives for People with Autism, Inc. is a non-profit, community-based group home providing progressive residential services for adults affected by autism who function in moderate to profound ranges of developmental disability. Part- and full-time direct care staff are currently needed to work at the Brooklyn Park location. Direct-care staff assist residents in domestic tasks, personal hygiene & grooming, community integration, leisure & recreation, adaptive communication, and behavior management/modification. All applicants for part-time positions must have at least 44 college credits complete, and applicants for full-time positions must have a completed degree in a related field by the close of the current academic semester. All applicants must be able to work the following shifts: AMs (6am-9am), PMs (2pm-10pm), Overnights (11pm-7am), and every other weekend. To learn more about the position and set up an application appointment, call Human Resources Coordinator Gael Palkki at 763-560-2988, or send email inquiry to
16.Work With Youth This Summer! TRiO Upward Bound is Hiring
Want an amazing job working with youth? TRiO Upward Bound at the University of Minnesota is the longest standing college preparation program in the Twin Cities. Each summer, TRiO coordinates an academic and residential summer program for high school-aged participants. If you're interested in working in a fast-paced environment with the opportunity to impact some amazing Minneapolis youth - this is the job for you. TRiO is now accepting applications for various positions including: Teacher, Teaching Assistant, Administrative Assistant, and Residential Youth Counselor. Apply via the University's employment system by April 19th.
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