Tuesday, October 29, 2013


The inside scoop on staying engaged and up-to-date with the Psychology major!

The psychology undergraduate newsletter provides a weekly update on the latest course information, upcoming events, and currently available job, internship, and research opportunities relating to your major! Find past issues here. If you would like to start receiving the Psych Scoop directly to your inbox, send a request to: psyadvis@umn.edu.
--1.Careers & Pizza Today!
--2.Pizza, Pop and Grad School Talk! This Thursday!
--3.Thank You For Your Psi Chi Application
--4.Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program Info Sessions
--5.Interested in I/O Psychology - Attend This Event
--6.DirecTrack to Teaching Information Session
--7.Social Justice Leadership Retreat - Apply Now!
--8.Student Conflict Resolution Center
--9.New Neuroscience Course! NSCI 3100: Mind and Brain
--10.Part Time Relief Shift Worker at Division of Indian Work
--11.Studentexperience - PCA Positions Available
--12.Apply to be a 2014 Orientation Leader!
--13.AmeriCorps Promise Fellow - Recruiting Statewide
--14.Summer Institute on Comparative Political & Economic Systems in D.C.
1.Careers & Pizza Today!
This is just a reminder that today Psychology Advising is hosting our Careers & Pizza Event, featuring a mental health therapist in private practice! If you RSVPd, please plan to be in the Advising Area 11:30-1:00pm, and if you an no longer make it, please let us know as soon as possible.
PLEASE NOTE: All students interested in Psychology are welcome to participate in Psi Chi/ Psychology Student Association activities. No previous participation or membership is required. If you're interested, please attend!
2.Pizza, Pop and Grad School Talk! This Thursday!
Our most popular meeting of the semester, Pizza, Pop, and Grad School Talk, will be held Thursday, October 31st at 4pm in Elliott S150. Join us for a Graduate Student Panel and pizza! Panelists will share experiences and offer advice and tips about applying and getting into grad school. You won't want to miss this! All are welcome; you do not have to be a member of Psi Chi to attend!
3.Thank You For Your Psi Chi Application
Thank you for all who applied to Psi Chi this semester! Psi Chi will begin reviewing applications and send out notifications within the next few weeks. Please contact Psi Chi if you have any questions.
4.Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program Info Sessions
Sponsored by the Japanese government, the JET Program offers you the opportunity to engage in intercultural exchange through language teaching in the Japanese public education system or by working in a local Japanese government office. For more information about these opportunities, there will be an info session held tomorrow, Wednesday, October 30th from 4:45pm-5:45pm in 140 Nolte.
5.Interested in I/O Psychology - Attend This Event
On October 31 from 12pm - 1 pm Sandra Davis, an alumnae of the University of Minnesota Counseling Psychology program, will be speaking to the U of M Entrepreneur Club as part of the "Women in Business" series. Dr. Sandra Davis is the chief executive officer and founder of Minneapolis-based MDA Leadership Consulting. As CEO of the firm, she is widely known and respected as an executive coach and thought leader in the industry. Her clients include top corporations headquartered in the Midwest and beyond. For more detailed information about her work, check out her bio: http://mdaleadership.com/who-we-are/our-team/sandra-davis/.
6.DirecTrack to Teaching Information Session
Get on the path to teaching licensure as an undergraduate through DirecTrack to Teaching. The program offers early admission to the College of Education and Human Development's initial licensure program and gives undergraduates early exposure to the culture of teaching and schools. For students interested in applying to the Fall 2014 DirecTrack to Teaching program, there will be an information session Friday, November 1st from 1:30pm-3:30pm in 355 Peik Hall. At this event, students can find out more information about DirecTrack to Teaching, meet current DirecTrack students, get questions answered about the program and get help with the application. For more information, visit their website: http://www.cehd.umn.edu/direct/.
7.Social Justice Leadership Retreat - Apply Now!
The University of Minnesota offers many opportunities, but few are as meaningful and powerful as the January 18th-20th Social Justice Leadership Retreat (SJLR). The SJLR focuses on developing and fostering diversity and social justice leaders committed to improving the campus climate for all students and working towards a more just and equitable society. The 3 day retreat takes students and facilitators away from campus to explore issues of identity, oppression, and how to make an impact on campus and in the community after the retreat. Over 600 students have attended our retreats over the last nine years and those students are having a powerful impact on campus and in the community using what they learned and the connections they made. To find out more information about the retreat and to apply, please check out their website. The application deadline for the retreat is noon on Wednesday, November 27.
8.Student Conflict Resolution Center
Need help with ANY campus-based problem or concern? The Student Conflict Resolution Center (SCRC) is here to help. The most common types of problems that they help students with include: grading or instructional complaints, financial and billing conflicts, graduate advising concerns, scholastic or behavioral misconduct and academic incivility. Their services are confidential and free. You can contact the SCRC at: http://www.sos.umn.edu, by phone at: 612-624-7272 or email at sos@umn.edu.
9.New Neuroscience Course! NSCI 3100: Mind and Brain
Neuroscience will be offering a new class on the interaction between the mind and the brain, NSCI 3100, Mind and Brain. The topic will cover the implications of the physical nature of the mind, with an emphasis on decision-making as an entry point into neuroscience and psychology.
IMPORTANT: Organizations listed below are not necessarily affiliated with or endorsed by the Department of Psychology or Psychology Undergraduate Advising. Please exercise the same discretion you would in viewing any other source.
10.Part Time Relief Shift Worker at Division of Indian Work
The Shift Worker will provide on call services for adolescent Boys and Girls residing in our facilities with a shift model, including weekdays, weekends, late nights, and awake overnights. Some of the Shift Worker's tasks will include: provide supervision and safety to youth, assist with case management, document information and daily reports, and communicate with youth and other program staff. The Division of Indian Work provides culturally based support systems to American Indian youth and families, encouraging educational, psychological, social and spiritual growth in a multi-cultural urban environment. For more information about this position, and a full job description, please email Nigel Perrote at nperrote@diw-mn.org.
11.Studentexperience - PCA Positions Available
"Studentexperience" is a Personal Care Assistant company located in the Twin Cities and Duluth areas. They specialize in matching college students with meaningful experiences as Personal Care Assistants. Students would have the opportunity to work with clients with mental and physical disabilities. Clients range in age from four to mid 60s - the majority of clients are under thirty. This is an opportunity to gain hands on health related experience, with flexibility and scholarship opportunities. This organization has given out over $100,000 since 1994. A unique focus is on a student's development of transferable skills that will help acceptance to post-graduate study or to get a job. A car is necessary. Currently, they are looking to fill 18 positions in St. Paul/Minneapolis. As reflected in the name, Student Experience, they work completely around the schedule of the student. Check out the website - www.studentexperience.com - to investigate further.
12. Apply to be a 2014 Orientation Leader!
Represent the U of M and make an impact on the Class of 2018 by helping first-year students make a seamless transition from high school to college. As an Orientation Leader, you will have the opportunity to make an impact on more than 5,400 first-year students. Lead them through their first experiences as a student at the University of Minnesota while also developing your own personal leadership style. Compensation includes $3,500 plus room and board during summer orientation. Go to www.ofyp.umn.edu/ol to apply and to learn more about how you can make an impact on the Class of 2018! Ski-U-Mah!
13.AmeriCorps Promise Fellow - Recruiting Statewide
The Minnesota Alliance With Youth is currently recruiting individuals to serve as AmeriCorps Promise Fellows in various locations across Minnesota. AmeriCorps Promise Fellows serve in schools (middle or high) and community based organizations supporting youth in grades 6-10 in areas of academic support, in and out of school time, and service learning to increase engagement in school and life. Members are supported by a supervisor at the host site, often times the data coach, assistant principal or counselor, or program manager, and part of a student support team to assist students. The Promise Fellow is particularly charged with supporting students with high truancy, behavioral referrals, and/or in need of academic improvements. The following link provides more information on the positions, the application, and the role of the Promise Fellow, http://mnyouth.net/work/promise-fellows/serve/.
14.Summer Institute on Comparative Political & Economic Systems in D.C.
Spend a summer in Washington, DC making an investment in your future that will help set you apart after college. They are now accepting applications for the Summer 2014 Institute on Comparative Political & Economic Systems in Washington, DC. These comprehensive programs sponsored by The Fund for American Studies include a guaranteed internship placement (public policy or economics), courses for transferable credit, and furnished housing in downtown Washington. Students are encouraged to apply for the early application deadline of December 9 to receive priority scholarship consideration and a 5% tuition discount. For more information about this opportunity, please see their website.

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