Tuesday, January 8, 2013


The inside scoop on staying engaged and up-to-date with the Psychology major!

The psychology undergraduate newsletter provides a weekly update on the latest course information, upcoming events, and currently available job, internship, and research opportunities relating to your major! Find past issues here. If you would like to start receiving the Psych Scoop directly to your inbox, send a request to: psyadvis@umn.edu.
--1.Interested in Animal Therapy? CSPH 5641: Animals in Healthcare
--2.Interested in Law School? ID 3205: Law School Exploration
--3.Interested in Education & Youth Work? CI 3151W: Culture, Power, & Education
--4.Interested in Health Careers? AHS courses with seats available!
--5.Seats Available! PSY 5960 -003 Environmental Decision Making: Lawns to Climate
--6.YMCA Summer Job Fair!
--7.Volunteer UGRAs Needed for Lab on Temper Tantrums!
--8.Yale Cognition & Development Lab Summer Research Internship
--9.U of Maryland, College of Behavioral & Social Sciences Summer Research Internship
--10.Mental Health Research Training Opportunity in Mexico Summer 2013--Apply Now!
--11.Teaching & Tutoring Positions Available with TRiO UpwardBound
--12.Part-Time PCA Opportunity-Gain experience in Applied Behavior Analysis!
--13.Complete an Independent Research Project in France or South Africa this Summer!
PLEASE NOTE: Courses listed in this section do not necessarily meet PSY major requirements.
1.Interested in Animal Therapy? CSPH 5641: Animals in Healthcare
Do you ever wonder why puppies are brought in during finals week as a stress reliever? Do you want to integrate a fuzzy creature into your career in a helping profession? Then look into CSPH 5641: Animals in Healthcare--The Healing Dimensions of Human/Animal Relationships. Seats are still available for Spring 2013.

2.Interested in Law School? ID 3205: Law School Exploration
The U of MN's Pre-Law Advisor will be teaching this 2 credit course, ID 3205 - Law School Exploration for Spring 2013. Learn more about exploring the option of Law School, becoming a competitive applicant, and preparing applications for programs! If you are considering Law School, this is a great course to take.

3.Interested in Education & Youth Work? CI 3151W: Culture, Power, & Education
Culture, Power, and Education provides students with an intensive investigation of the ways in which culture plays a critical role in education and student achievement. The course is meant for those considering education as a vocation, working with youth, or those interested in gaining a deeper understanding of how culture operates in our daily lives. Students will reflect upon how cultural practices impact learning, with an eye toward developing a more just classroom and educational environment. It fulfills the liberal education requirements for the Diversity and Social Justice theme and is also a Writing Intensive course. Students will investigate how culturally relevant pedagogy can and must be implemented as a critical part of any teacher's pedagogy. The course will examine the research that explicates why it is vital to incorporate students' interests and lived experiences into our classrooms. It will discuss ways to begin to foster sociopolitical consciousness in ourselves and our students so that they are positioned to become agents of change in our society. Students will be required to spend time in educational settings looking critically at how they are and are not culturally relevant. Finally students will work in teams to develop models of culturally relevant instruction with a focus on social justice. If you have any questions please contact Brian Lozenski - lozen002@umn.edu.

4.Interested in Health Careers? AHS courses with seats available!
Whether you want to explore options for health careers or gain experience within the field, Academic Health Center (AHS) likely has a course to aid in moving you toward your goal! The following courses still have seats available for Spring 2013, and may be registered for through the online enrollment system. AHS 1101: Orientation to Health Careers (1 cr); AHS 1104: Experiences in Health (2 cr--hybrid course) ; AHS 2707: Global Health Challenges for Future Health Professionals (2 cr). To learn more about what these courses entail and see other available courses, visit here.

5.Seats Available! PSY 5960 -003 Environmental Decision Making: Lawns to Climate
How do people comprehend, shape, and manage environments? How do people decide which dynamics of environmental controversies are important - and worthy of study and activism? How do scholars identify and apply appropriate analytic frameworks to illuminate the intertwined nature of social and environmental systems? This environmental psychology seminar uses interdisciplinary social science approaches to explore ways that people experience environments and make decisions about them, both as individuals and also in the social contexts where environmental decision making is institutionalized. The class will use case studies at contrasting scales to explore a range of environmental decision challenges--from the everyday experience of immediate environments (like lawns) to the abstract "global environment" (as encountered in climate change and energy decisions). Students will also engage with environmental decision projects underway around the university and state to consider the challenges involved in using a range of different knowledge systems to understand and manage society-environmental relationships. PSY 5960 -003 will meet spring semester 9:45 - 12:30pm Fridays. The course prerequisite is an Introductory Psychology course (PSY 1001 or equivalent). PSY 5960 may be usable toward the PSY Elective area of your major. Use the PSY requirements page or contact Psych Advising to see how this may fit into your major progress.

6.YMCA Summer Job Fair!
The University YMCA is hosting the 3rd Annual Y of the Greater Twin Cities (Y GTC) Summer Job Fair! Join the UY (1801 University Ave SE) on February 6th between 11am and 5pm to learn about the endless career possibilities working with social responsibility, youth development, and healthy living. Available positions include: Youth development staff, trail counselor/guides, school-aged care program staff, camp instructors, camp counselors. Bring your resumes, dress for success, and be prepared to ask your informational interview questions! You can find applications online. Contact Bruce.Yang@ymcatwincities.org or Patti.Neiman@ymcatwincities.org with questions.

7.Volunteer UGRAs Needed for Lab on Temper Tantrums!
A lab in Pediatrics & Neurology at the U of M Medical Center is in need of undergraduate research assistants for a study of temper tantrums in young children. This is a short term volunteer project involving the coding of parent behaviors during children's tantrums. UGRAs will be working with Prof. Mike Potegal, the Principal Investigator, and would have the opportunity to ask questions and learn about tantrums, anger, emotional expression, and related topics. For more information, contact Prof. Potegal at: poteg001@umn.edu

8.Yale Cognition & Development Lab Summer Research Internship
Applications to participate in the Yale Cognition & Development Lab's 2013 research internship program are now available on Yale's website. The annual summer internship provides the opportunity for highly motivated undergraduate students to gain an intensive, hands-on research experience in cognitive science and developmental psychology, in close partnership with full-time lab members. Complete information about the research and internship program, as well as required application materials and an FAQ page, can be downloaded from this website. This year's internship will run from June 3 to July 30, 2013, and all applications should be received no later than Friday, March 1, 2013. Questions not covered online about the program may be directed to the lab manager at cognition.development+si@yale.edu.

9.U of Maryland, College of Behavioral & Social Sciences Summer Research Internship
2013 Summer Research Initiative (SRI) at the University of Maryland College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, College Park is now accepting applicants. The goals of the program are to provide rising juniors and seniors an opportunity to increase their interest in research careers in the social and behavioral sciences, develop research skills, and learn about doctoral training with the goal of encouraging students to pursue doctoral degrees in the social and behavioral sciences. The program has a special emphasis on population groups underrepresented in these fields (i.e., African Americans, Hispanics, American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians or other Pacific Islanders). This 8-week program will be held on the University of Maryland, College Park campus from June 1st - July 26, 2013. Students will be provided a meaningful research experience by working with a faculty mentor. Students' research will also be supplemented with lectures, workshops, and networking opportunities. Students will be provided round-trip airfare, meals, room and board in University on-campus housing and a stipend of $2,700. Complete information and the application material can be found on the website. The deadline for submission of application forms and all associated documentation is February 15th 2013. You may also contact the SRI Office at (301) 405-1097 or bsossri@umd.edu with any questions.

10.Mental Health Research Training Opportunity in Mexico Summer 2013--Apply Now!
The on-line application is now open for the NIH/NIMHD-funded Minority Health and Health Disparities International Research Training program (MHIRT) which we refer to as the Latino Mental Health Research Training Program. Dr. Steven Lopez at USC's Department of Psychology, Dr. Carmen Lara at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) in México, and colleagues at the Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatria (INP), USC, UCLA, University of Oregon and California State University at San Bernardino have established an 11-week summer research training program designed to prepare undergraduate and graduate level researchers to address disparities in mental health care of U.S. Latinos with serious mental illness. The program includes a one-week training seminar at USC, and a 10-week training program at the BUAP Medical School in Puebla México or at the INP. The last day to submit an application is February 1, 2013. Undergraduate and pre-doctoral level students who are interested in conducting mental health research in Mexico during the summer of 2013 are encouraged to apply. Visit this website for application information.

IMPORTANT: Organizations listed below are not necessarily affiliated with or endorsed by the Department of Psychology or Psychology Undergraduate Advising. Please exercise the same discretion you would in viewing any other source.
11.Teaching & Tutoring Positions Available with TRiO UpwardBound
TRiO UB is a federally funded college prep program focused on helping low income, first generation and urban, Minneapolis high school students achieve their collegiate dreams. A variety of positions are available in the after school program that runs from M-Th at the University of Minnesota. These positions include: TRiO Upward Bound Academic Year Tutor (work study) - #181647; TRiO Upward Bound Academic Year Instructor Position (non U of MN students may apply to this position) - #181644. To apply: Go to employment.umn.edu and search the position using the requisition numbers listed above. All positions require an updated resume, cover letter, and references; final candidates must pass a criminal background check.

12.Part-Time PCA Opportunity-Gain experience in Applied Behavior Analysis!
Do you enjoy working with children or want to gain experience with behavior therapy? Work as a personal care assistant with a wonderful, easygoing, 5-year-old boy with high-functioning autism in Shoreview! This fun position would include training with the child's home-based Applied Behavior Analysis team. You would assist the child when he is not actively engaged in therapy sessions - playing and implementing self-care targets in his natural environment. While the therapists are working with the child you would be free to observe therapy sessions or work on your own activities, school work, etc. We are primarily looking for someone to come on Mondays from 7:15am to 5:30pm (therapist present from 8:30am-2:10pm), Tuesdays from 7:15am until 5:30pm (therapist present from 8:30am-4:10pm), and Friday from 7:15am-12:30pm (therapist present from 8:30am-12:30pm). If you are interested but can only commit to one day or mornings/afternoons, please still contact us with your availability. If interested, please e-mail Cheri at cschoon4@fairview.org.
13.Complete an Independent Research Project in France or South Africa this Summer!

The Student Project for Amity among Nations (SPAN) is pleased to accept student applications for two study-abroad groups in 2013--France and South Africa! SPAN is now in its 66th year of providing life-changing experiences, both intellectual and social, to adventurous undergraduates who want to do independent research on a topic of their choosing. This spring, the students will meet regularly with the advisor to study the history and culture of France or South Africa and to plan their research project. They will work, study, and travel in the country for eight weeks next summer, then write a research paper (minimum 50 pages) next school year. Upon completion of their work participants will receive eight University of Minnesota credits for the SPAN experience. The France group is led by advisor Dr. Kim Munholland, U of M Professor emeritus of European history. The South Africa group is led by Dr. Andrew Carlson, assistant professor at Metro State University specializing in communications research and social media. Applications are due February 8th. More information can be found here. Students may also stop by the SPAN office in 331 Social Science Building or call 612-626-1083.

The inside scoop on staying engaged and up-to-date with the Psychology major!
The psychology undergraduate newsletter provides a weekly update on the latest course information, upcoming events, and currently available job, internship, and research opportunities relating to your major! Find past issues here. If you would like to start receiving the Psych Scoop directly to your inbox, send a request to: psyadvis@umn.edu.
--1.Interested in Animal Therapy? CSPH 5641: Animals in Healthcare
--2.Interested in Law School? ID 3205: Law School Exploration
--3.Interested in Education & Youth Work? CI 3151W: Culture, Power, & Education
--4.Interested in Health Careers? AHS courses with seats available!
--5.Seats Available! PSY 5960 -003 Environmental Decision Making: Lawns to Climate
--6.YMCA Summer Job Fair!
--7.Volunteer UGRAs Needed for Lab on Temper Tantrums!
--8.Yale Cognition & Development Lab Summer Research Internship
--9.U of Maryland, College of Behavioral & Social Sciences Summer Research Internship
--10.Mental Health Research Training Opportunity in Mexico Summer 2013--Apply Now!
--11.Teaching & Tutoring Positions Available with TRiO UpwardBound
--12.Part-Time PCA Opportunity-Gain experience in Applied Behavior Analysis!
--13.Complete an Independent Research Project in France or South Africa this Summer!
PLEASE NOTE: Courses listed in this section do not necessarily meet PSY major requirements.
1.Interested in Animal Therapy? CSPH 5641: Animals in Healthcare
Do you ever wonder why puppies are brought in during finals week as a stress reliever? Do you want to integrate a fuzzy creature into your career in a helping profession? Then look into CSPH 5641: Animals in Healthcare--The Healing Dimensions of Human/Animal Relationships. Seats are still available for Spring 2013.
2.Interested in Law School? ID 3205: Law School Exploration
The U of MN's Pre-Law Advisor will be teaching this 2 credit course, ID 3205 - Law School Exploration for Spring 2013. Learn more about exploring the option of Law School, becoming a competitive applicant, and preparing applications for programs! If you are considering Law School, this is a great course to take.
3.Interested in Education & Youth Work? CI 3151W: Culture, Power, & Education
Culture, Power, and Education provides students with an intensive investigation of the ways in which culture plays a critical role in education and student achievement. The course is meant for those considering education as a vocation, working with youth, or those interested in gaining a deeper understanding of how culture operates in our daily lives. Students will reflect upon how cultural practices impact learning, with an eye toward developing a more just classroom and educational environment. It fulfills the liberal education requirements for the Diversity and Social Justice theme and is also a Writing Intensive course. Students will investigate how culturally relevant pedagogy can and must be implemented as a critical part of any teacher's pedagogy. The course will examine the research that explicates why it is vital to incorporate students' interests and lived experiences into our classrooms. It will discuss ways to begin to foster sociopolitical consciousness in ourselves and our students so that they are positioned to become agents of change in our society. Students will be required to spend time in educational settings looking critically at how they are and are not culturally relevant. Finally students will work in teams to develop models of culturally relevant instruction with a focus on social justice. If you have any questions please contact Brian Lozenski - lozen002@umn.edu.
4.Interested in Health Careers? AHS courses with seats available!
Whether you want to explore options for health careers or gain experience within the field, Academic Health Center (AHS) likely has a course to aid in moving you toward your goal! The following courses still have seats available for Spring 2013, and may be registered for through the online enrollment system. AHS 1101: Orientation to Health Careers (1 cr); AHS 1104: Experiences in Health (2 cr--hybrid course) ; AHS 2707: Global Health Challenges for Future Health Professionals (2 cr). To learn more about what these courses entail and see other available courses, visit here.
5.Seats Available! PSY 5960 -003 Environmental Decision Making: Lawns to Climate
How do people comprehend, shape, and manage environments? How do people decide which dynamics of environmental controversies are important - and worthy of study and activism? How do scholars identify and apply appropriate analytic frameworks to illuminate the intertwined nature of social and environmental systems? This environmental psychology seminar uses interdisciplinary social science approaches to explore ways that people experience environments and make decisions about them, both as individuals and also in the social contexts where environmental decision making is institutionalized. The class will use case studies at contrasting scales to explore a range of environmental decision challenges--from the everyday experience of immediate environments (like lawns) to the abstract "global environment" (as encountered in climate change and energy decisions). Students will also engage with environmental decision projects underway around the university and state to consider the challenges involved in using a range of different knowledge systems to understand and manage society-environmental relationships. PSY 5960 -003 will meet spring semester 9:45 - 12:30pm Fridays. The course prerequisite is an Introductory Psychology course (PSY 1001 or equivalent). PSY 5960 may be usable toward the PSY Elective area of your major. Use the PSY requirements page or contact Psych Advising to see how this may fit into your major progress.
6.YMCA Summer Job Fair!
The University YMCA is hosting the 3rd Annual Y of the Greater Twin Cities (Y GTC) Summer Job Fair! Join the UY (1801 University Ave SE) on February 6th between 11am and 5pm to learn about the endless career possibilities working with social responsibility, youth development, and healthy living. Available positions include: Youth development staff, trail counselor/guides, school-aged care program staff, camp instructors, camp counselors. Bring your resumes, dress for success, and be prepared to ask your informational interview questions! You can find applications online. Contact Bruce.Yang@ymcatwincities.org or Patti.Neiman@ymcatwincities.org with questions.
7.Volunteer UGRAs Needed for Lab on Temper Tantrums!
A lab in Pediatrics & Neurology at the U of M Medical Center is in need of undergraduate research assistants for a study of temper tantrums in young children. This is a short term volunteer project involving the coding of parent behaviors during children's tantrums. UGRAs will be working with Prof. Mike Potegal, the Principal Investigator, and would have the opportunity to ask questions and learn about tantrums, anger, emotional expression, and related topics. For more information, contact Prof. Potegal at: poteg001@umn.edu
8.Yale Cognition & Development Lab Summer Research Internship
Applications to participate in the Yale Cognition & Development Lab's 2013 research internship program are now available on Yale's website. The annual summer internship provides the opportunity for highly motivated undergraduate students to gain an intensive, hands-on research experience in cognitive science and developmental psychology, in close partnership with full-time lab members. Complete information about the research and internship program, as well as required application materials and an FAQ page, can be downloaded from this website. This year's internship will run from June 3 to July 30, 2013, and all applications should be received no later than Friday, March 1, 2013. Questions not covered online about the program may be directed to the lab manager at cognition.development+si@yale.edu.
9.U of Maryland, College of Behavioral & Social Sciences Summer Research Internship
2013 Summer Research Initiative (SRI) at the University of Maryland College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, College Park is now accepting applicants. The goals of the program are to provide rising juniors and seniors an opportunity to increase their interest in research careers in the social and behavioral sciences, develop research skills, and learn about doctoral training with the goal of encouraging students to pursue doctoral degrees in the social and behavioral sciences. The program has a special emphasis on population groups underrepresented in these fields (i.e., African Americans, Hispanics, American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians or other Pacific Islanders). This 8-week program will be held on the University of Maryland, College Park campus from June 1st - July 26, 2013. Students will be provided a meaningful research experience by working with a faculty mentor. Students' research will also be supplemented with lectures, workshops, and networking opportunities. Students will be provided round-trip airfare, meals, room and board in University on-campus housing and a stipend of $2,700. Complete information and the application material can be found on the website. The deadline for submission of application forms and all associated documentation is February 15th 2013. You may also contact the SRI Office at (301) 405-1097 or bsossri@umd.edu with any questions.
10.Mental Health Research Training Opportunity in Mexico Summer 2013--Apply Now!
The on-line application is now open for the NIH/NIMHD-funded Minority Health and Health Disparities International Research Training program (MHIRT) which we refer to as the Latino Mental Health Research Training Program. Dr. Steven Lopez at USC's Department of Psychology, Dr. Carmen Lara at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) in México, and colleagues at the Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatria (INP), USC, UCLA, University of Oregon and California State University at San Bernardino have established an 11-week summer research training program designed to prepare undergraduate and graduate level researchers to address disparities in mental health care of U.S. Latinos with serious mental illness. The program includes a one-week training seminar at USC, and a 10-week training program at the BUAP Medical School in Puebla México or at the INP. The last day to submit an application is February 1, 2013. Undergraduate and pre-doctoral level students who are interested in conducting mental health research in Mexico during the summer of 2013 are encouraged to apply. Visit this website for application information.
IMPORTANT: Organizations listed below are not necessarily affiliated with or endorsed by the Department of Psychology or Psychology Undergraduate Advising. Please exercise the same discretion you would in viewing any other source.
11.Teaching & Tutoring Positions Available with TRiO UpwardBound
TRiO UB is a federally funded college prep program focused on helping low income, first generation and urban, Minneapolis high school students achieve their collegiate dreams. A variety of positions are available in the after school program that runs from M-Th at the University of Minnesota. These positions include: TRiO Upward Bound Academic Year Tutor (work study) - #181647; TRiO Upward Bound Academic Year Instructor Position (non U of MN students may apply to this position) - #181644. To apply: Go to employment.umn.edu and search the position using the requisition numbers listed above. All positions require an updated resume, cover letter, and references; final candidates must pass a criminal background check.
12.Part-Time PCA Opportunity-Gain experience in Applied Behavior Analysis!
Do you enjoy working with children or want to gain experience with behavior therapy? Work as a personal care assistant with a wonderful, easygoing, 5-year-old boy with high-functioning autism in Shoreview! This fun position would include training with the child's home-based Applied Behavior Analysis team. You would assist the child when he is not actively engaged in therapy sessions - playing and implementing self-care targets in his natural environment. While the therapists are working with the child you would be free to observe therapy sessions or work on your own activities, school work, etc. We are primarily looking for someone to come on Mondays from 7:15am to 5:30pm (therapist present from 8:30am-2:10pm), Tuesdays from 7:15am until 5:30pm (therapist present from 8:30am-4:10pm), and Friday from 7:15am-12:30pm (therapist present from 8:30am-12:30pm). If you are interested but can only commit to one day or mornings/afternoons, please still contact us with your availability. If interested, please e-mail Cheri at cschoon4@fairview.org.
13.Complete an Independent Research Project in France or South Africa this Summer!

The Student Project for Amity among Nations (SPAN) is pleased to accept student applications for two study-abroad groups in 2013--France and South Africa! SPAN is now in its 66th year of providing life-changing experiences, both intellectual and social, to adventurous undergraduates who want to do independent research on a topic of their choosing. This spring, the students will meet regularly with the advisor to study the history and culture of France or South Africa and to plan their research project. They will work, study, and travel in the country for eight weeks next summer, then write a research paper (minimum 50 pages) next school year. Upon completion of their work participants will receive eight University of Minnesota credits for the SPAN experience. The France group is led by advisor Dr. Kim Munholland, U of M Professor emeritus of European history. The South Africa group is led by Dr. Andrew Carlson, assistant professor at Metro State University specializing in communications research and social media. Applications are due February 8th. More information can be found here. Students may also stop by the SPAN office in 331 Social Science Building or call 612-626-1083.

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