Tuesday, January 28, 2014


The inside scoop on staying engaged and up-to-date with the Psychology major!

The psychology undergraduate newsletter provides a weekly update on the latest course information, upcoming events, and currently available job, internship, and research opportunities relating to your major! Find past issues here. If you would like to start receiving the Psych Scoop directly to your inbox, send a request to: psyadvis@umn.edu.
--1.Spring 2014 Drop-In Hours for Psychology Advising
--2.Interested in joining Psi Chi?
--3.Peace Corps Information Session
--4.Environmental Internship & Career Fair
--5.First Active Minds Meeting
--6.Sport Psychology Conference at Mankato
--7.Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program Grants Available
--8.The Carlson Child Development Lab is looking for research assistants
--9.Undergraduate Research in Personality, Indiv Differences, and Behavioral genetics Lab
--10.Paid Research Opportunity in the MN Center for Twin and Family Research
--11.Yale Cognition & Development Lab's 2014 Research Internship Program
--12. $500-$600! Apply for a Spring 2014 Psych Engagement Award! Deadline February 3rd
--13. CLA Internship Scholarship
--14.IBH 6222 Adolescents and Co-occurring Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders
--16.YMCA Annual Summer Employment Job Fair
--17.Teach for America Application Deadline
1.Spring 2014 Drop-In Hours for Psychology Advising
Psychology Undergraduate Advising has designated drop-in hours. While other units may have advisors available at all times, each advisor in our unit holds drop-in hours once a week and cannot address drop-in issues outside of these. While it may seem like a quick issue (such as signing a research contract), it often takes more time than expected and adds up when considering our large student population. To run efficiently and serve our students best, it is important that we recognize and respect these specified drop-in times. Due to high student demand, we will have an advisor available for 5 - 10 minute issues from 8:00am - 4:30pm Monday - Friday the remainder of this week. Our normal drop-in hours will take effect after Monday, February 3rd. This semester's drop-in hours for the Psychology Advisors can be found on our website.
2.Interested in joining Psi Chi?
Applications for this semester will be due Friday, March 14th. Information on how to apply as well as a schedule of Psi Chi/Psychology Club events can be found online. You can also follow us on Twitter: @UMNpsichi and Facebook: UMN Psychology Club/Psi Chi.
3.Peace Corps Information Session
Make a difference in the lives of others and your own. Serving in the Peace Corps is a great way to help a community in need, immerse yourself in a new culture, learn a new language, and have the experience of a lifetime. Join us at this information session to learn about volunteer experiences, have your questions answered, and gain tips to guide you through the application process. The information session will be Wednesday, January 29th from 5:00pm-6:00pm in 214 Heller Hall.
4.Environmental Internship & Career Fair
Wednesday, February 5th from 1:00pm-5:00pm at the North Start Ballrom (St. Paul Student Center), there will be an Environmental Internship & Career Fair. Meet employers hiring interns and full-time employees for environmental and natural resources fields. Learn how to prepare for a job fair by watching our online job fair success workshop!
5.First Active Minds' Meeting - Get Involved with Mental Health Awareness Day
Active Minds is a student-run mental health advocacy group devoted to educating students about mental health issues and reducing the stigma of mental illness. If you're interested in supporting mental health, check out their first meeting of the semester! This will be a good chance to learn what Active Minds is all about and what they do to support Mental Health. ALSO, there will be Pizza! The first meeting will be tomorrow, Wednesday, January 29th from 7:00-8:00pm in 213 Coffman. If you are interested in learning about Mental Health Awareness Day, or getting involved with the event, there will be a planning meeting directly after the meeting from 8:00-9:00pm. RSVP To aminds@umn.edu so they know how much pizza to order!
6.Sport Psychology Conference at Mankato
Minnesota State University, Mankato will be hosting the AASP-North Central Sport Psychology Conference (AASP-NCSPC) on February 21-22, 2014.The upper Midwest is an exciting up-and-coming region in the field of Sport & Exercise Psychology. In an effort to build collaboration throughout the region, the AASP-NCSPC as an opportunity for students and faculty from regional colleges and universities to come together. With opportunities to present and discuss the discipline, we would love to have you participate, either as a presenter or attendee, at this year's conference. All information about the Conference is available at:
7.Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program Grants Available
The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) provides grants of up to $1,700 for undergraduate students either to carry out a project of the student's own design in close collaboration with a faculty sponsor or work with a faculty member on her/his scholarly or creative project. Thousands of students and faculty across the University have already discovered the benefits of these hands-on research opportunities in laboratories, studios, libraries, and field sites. Participating students have developed detailed knowledge of research methods while their
faculty sponsors have gained the assistance of enthusiastic and capable students. To find out more about undergraduate research and the UROP program, visit urop.umn.edu. Application materials for UROP are available online. The application deadline for summer and fall 2014 projects is February 24, 2014. If you have questions about UROP, please contact Wendy Nicholson-Kotas at nicho421@umn.edu.
8.The Carlson Child Development Lab is looking for research assistants
The Carlson Child Development Lab offers undergraduate students the opportunity to gain valuable research experience and earn college credits while working with preschool and school-aged children in a laboratory setting. Current research topics include self-control, perspective-taking and pretend play. Our undergraduates are an integral part of our lab, and participate in all levels of our research. From offering suggestions for developing protocols to running sessions with children and families, research assistants are afforded every opportunity to pursue their own interests and apply their own skills within our lab. As a Carlson Lab RA, you will interact with some of the leading scientists in the field of child development,. You will also have the chance to contribute to presentations of our research at international conferences and be included in future publications. This is the perfect opportunity to develop important research skills and relationships while learning about children's social cognitive development. Schedules are highly flexible. Inquiries can be directed to childlab@umn.edu. Two credit, two semester minimum.
9.Undergraduate Research in Personality, Indiv Differences, and Behavioral genetics Lab
Undergraduate research assistant opportunities are available in Dr. James Lee's lab. Dr. Lee is seeking undergraduate students who are interested in the area of measuring Individual Differences and Behavioral Genetics (human brain size and evolution). Students are expected to devote at least 5 hours per week performing literature readings, data collection, entry and attending lab meetings once a week. This is a volunteer position in Spring 2014 term but he would like students to take PSY 5993 Directed Research from Fall 2014 term. It will be a great opportunity gaining research experience for graduate programs. Further information about his research can be accessed through this website. https://umn.academia.edu/JamesLee. Please send resume/CV and unofficial transcript to Dr. James Lee (leex2293@umn.edu) If interested.
10.Paid Research Opportunity in the MN Center for Twin and Family Research
The Mn. Center for Twin and Family Research has an Undergraduate Research Assistant position available. The job will begin a.s.a.p. The position will be 10-15 hrs/week during academic year and the same during the summer. Salary is $10.51/hr. Qualifications include: must be undergraduate in a degree granting program, must have at least a 3.0 GPA, must have telephone experience, such as locating people, must have data entry experience, must be willing to work some evening and weekend hours, and must supply transcript and resume. Students will workstudy are preferred. Call Linda Springer at 612-626-7224 if you have any questions. More details about this position can be found on the U of M Employment webpage (req # 189155). Applicants must apply online, and also fill out an internal application, which may be picked up at N544 Elliott.
11.Yale Cognition & Development Lab's 2014 Research Internship Program
Applications to participate in the Yale Cognition & Development Lab's 2014 research internship program are now available online. This annual summer internship provides the opportunity for highly motivated undergraduate students to gain an intensive, hands-on research experience in cognitive science and developmental psychology, in close partnership with our full-time lab members. Complete information about our research and internship program, as well as required application materials and an FAQ page, can be downloaded online. This year's internship will run from Mon, June 2 to Wed, July 30, 2014, and all applications should be received no later than Friday, March 7, 2014. Questions not covered online about our program may be directed to the lab manager at cognition.development+si@yale.edu.
12.$500-$600! Apply for a Spring 2014 Psych Engagement Award! Deadline February 3rd
Are you participating in an internship here or abroad this spring? Or engaging in a learning opportunity that takes you outside of the classroom for a unique experience? The Department of Psychology's Donor Awards for Psychology Undergraduate Engagement are available to support you! The purpose of these awards is to encourage and support psychology majors who engage in learning experiences beyond the University campus and classroom environments (i.e. unpaid internships, volunteer experiences, study abroad containing a psych-related internship or research component, etc.). Up to two awards of $500 will be offered Spring 2014. A third candidate will be selected to receive the named Natalis Award of $600. The Spring 2014 application deadline is February 3, 2014. Notification Date: Feb. 14, 2014. For details about the awards and application materials, visit our webpage.
13.CLA Internship Scholarship
Are you doing an unpaid internship this spring? Apply for the CLA Undergraduate Internship Scholarship! The $1,500 internship scholarships are designated for CLA undergraduate students who are doing unpaid internships. The application deadline is February 12th.
IMPORTANT: Courses listed below are not offered by the Department of Psychology, and you will need to meet with your college advisor to find out how they will fit into your academic program.
14.IBH 6222 Adolescents and Co-occurring Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders
Adolescents differ from adults physiologically, cognitively, and emotionally. Therefore, it is important for professionals who come into regular contact with this population to be familiar with the developmental issues and current trends in adolescent substance use. It is also essential to be able to recognize the risk and protective factors, bio-psycho-social effects, and signs of potential substance use problems in adolescents. IBH 6222 is a 2-credit course (fully online) that would greatly benefit future social workers, teachers, and other professionals looking to work with adolescents. Please contact konk0013@umn.edu for a permission number.
What are you doing for Spring Break? Want to travel across the country while also making a difference in various communities? Then you should go on a STLF Pay It Forward Tour this Spring Break from March 14 to March 22. There will be 6 buses leaving from the U of M this year and traveling to 3 different destination city, Houston, Salt Lake City, and D.C. The tours will give you the opportunity to travel to multiple cities in the country, to perform various kinds of service projects along the way, to build lasting friendships, and to engage in leadership. For more information about the tours or to sign up for a tour go to z.umn.edu/tour If you have questions about the tours contact stlf@umn.edu.

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